Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Seattle Goal Shouldn't Have Been Allowed

That's the word from US Soccer Director of Referee Development, Paul Tamberino in an article on MLS' website. Tamberino is the same guy that speaks on US Soccer's Referee Week in Review as well. He says that Brad Evans did not intentionally deceive referee Jair Marrufo, as the play only took seconds to actually play out on the field. Still, Tamberino says that referees need to be aware of where the ball went out, especially in the attacking third and so late in the game. And while the linesman was closer to where Evans was, Tamberino says that the responsibility in this situation goes on the center referee Marrufo.

This isn't a surprising report, as I think anyone with eyes to see saw that Evans added at least 10 yards onto where the ball went out. I also think most people expected this incident to be in this week's report due to the outcome of the play and the result as a whole. While it's nice to see them make an example of it, it doesn't take the bitterness out of the goal or the loss.


Anonymous said...

While it is very easy to blame the refs for this...this kind of stuff happens 2 or 3 times in every single game (even though game winning goals are not scored).

I still think that the poor defense on this play allows for the goal.

Zander said...

In the slow motion replay, Fucito also appeared to be at least a yard or two offside.

Brian said...

First of all, you can't be offside on a throw-in, so wtf are you talking about. Second, Kansas City players did this exact same thing numerous times during the game, just as did every other Sounders player, and every player in professional soccer around the world. Players always try to get those extra few yards forward on a throw or free kick, and it's done pretty much universally. Complaining against something that your team does just as much just because it led to a goal is ridiculous. Your team is better than that, you don't need to blame the refs for a blatant defensive lapse at the worst time possible (although we nearly had one directly after that). Sounders til I die.


MOUFWASH said...


A few isnt 12-15. It matters when it does lead to a goal and when in the final 3rd. The defense was looking up field were the ball went out.

I understand its pointless to complain about but simply dismissing this is laughable in the face of the "Referee Chief" needing to mention it in the review of the week. "Sounder fan" would be complaining about this as well, in mass. You guys boo'd (your players even complained) KC for not kicking the ball out after your own team didnt deem it necessary during their posession.

In short, spare me, its at least worth discussing on a blog.

Roger said...

I'm a Wizards fan and as pissed as I am with the throw in being 10 feet ahead of where it should have been I'm getting real tired of people (even Gooch in the Star) saying that Fucito was offside.

People, you cannot be offside on a throw in!! It's the rules. Brush up on them so you don't look dumb on a call like this. He could have been standing next to Jimmy N. and still been onside.

Yes, the throw in should have been further back, but had it been Ryan S. sending a throw in to Kei 10 yards ahead of where the ball went out and he'd scored I'd be loving it.

It was a brain fart on the defense that didn't do an overlapping cover. I watch the replay and I don't see anyone from the Wizards getting in Evans face or requesting that he be moved back or raising their hands towards the ref or the assistant.

Did we get screwed? Yes. Was it something our defense just messed up. Yes again. It's a young season. We need to learn from it and move on.

Zander said...

Thanks for the rules clarification; I stand corrected.

Brian said...

Well said, Roger. Couldn't agree more. Players are always going to try and advance as far up the line as they can before getting pushed back. Not only did the Kansas City backs not give any indication to the officiating crew that they felt he was too far forward, but they simply weren't paying attention and got beat by a good throw. Evans has a great long throw as well and just as likely would have put the ball in the same place from a few yards further back, so it really wouldn't have made much of a difference either way. Fucito would have been in position to make the run regardless.

MOUFWASH said...

"It was a brain fart on the defense that didn't do an overlapping cover. I watch the replay and I don't see anyone from the Wizards getting in Evans face or requesting that he be moved back or raising their hands towards the ref or the assistant."

It was instant, the ball went out and was thrown in 15 YARDS up field in the next second; Evans wasnt even the closest Sounder to where it went out. Both CBs were looking up field toward where the ball went out, not to their direct side. So yes, being FARTHER up field did effect the play. Mistake? Yes, by CBs and the center.

If it happened to us I would be thankful for the gift.

Its only brought up because it was a goal. WELL DUH, do you think the Henry handball would be significant if it didnt result in the ball going in the back of the net?

Brian said...

Again, wouldn't have made a difference. He still would have thrown it right over their heads to Fucito. Clearly you haven't seen Evans take many throw-ins before.

Anonymous said...

Brian you're an idiot, if the ref forced Evans to move back, it would have given the KC defense to get set and Fucito wouldn't have been wide open on that run.

Brian said...

A bit late, but my point is still valid. Evans has one of the best long-throws in the league and Fucito is faster than any player on the Wizards. Play still would have happened, Kansas City still deserved to lose the game.