Tuesday, December 08, 2009

Kansas Sweetening Pot for Wizards

In another effort to try and finalize the deal to bring the Wizards stadium out to the Legends area, the Kansas Commerce Department has sweetened the deal for the Wizards and Cerner. The Commerce Department has agreed to pay Cerner the $48.5 million worth of IMPACT (Investments in Major Projects and Comprehensive Training) incentives up front. So instead of that money being distributed throughout the duration of the project, the entire money will come up front. The deal offers the team and Cerner no new money, but with the offer being offered up front, it may be the deciding factor for the team to finalize the deal and break ground before the end of the year like the team has said. Getting the money up front could help offset the lack of bonds being sold right now and help the team get the project going sooner. We'll see soon hopefully what effect if any this has on the team and Cerner's decision on putting the stadium out at the Legends.

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