Monday, October 27, 2008

Playoff Series

The Wizards playoff series with the Columbus Crew kicks off Saturday night out at Community America Ballpark. Let's pack CAB and make sure the Wizards have the home field advantage for the game. The Wizards are 7-0-3 in their last 10 home games, so having a packed house for the game will be important. Get your tickets here.

But why just stop at attending just the home game? The Wizards are looking to charter a bus to go to Columbus for the return leg on November 8th. The bus would leave early Saturday morning, arriving in Columbus for the game. You'll stay Saturday night in Columbus and come home Sunday. For more information on the details of the trip, contact Sam Pierron with the Wizards at Seriously, help fill the bus, join me in Columbus and let's have a big crowd cheering on the Wizards on the road as well.

1 comment:

  1. I won't be on the bus, but I'll make the drive down from Michigan. Would you believe that the whole state doesn't have anything better than a PDL team?
