Monday, November 12, 2007

3 Trails TIF Plan

Today on Mayor Funkhousers blog, he posted an analysis of the 3 Trails TIF plan. Included in the plan, is how it's going to affect many things, including how many jobs this development will create, how it will help to reduce crime, help to improve the blighted area, among other things. It's a good read for any Wizards fan interested in finding out more about the TIF plan.

The plan is going to create a projected 6573 jobs in the area. An area that has lost quite a few different jobs over the course of the year. With the closer of the mall, the HyperMart, and most of the other stores in that area, it's probably lost a couple thousand jobs. It is unknown, though, how many of those jobs will qualify as "quality jobs."

As for the real and perceived crime in the area, that's going to be a major point of the develpment. Lane4 is working with city officials on incorporating CPTED (Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design) concepts into the development of the area.

The site has been identified by the city council as a blighted area, prime for redevelopment. Overall, Lane4's plan answers the majority of the questions asked of it. The only draw back, is that the area is not "economically distressed" as according to the ED&I Policy.

Enjoy the read.

1 comment:

  1. Not economically distressed?? Remember what the Bannister Mall area looked like in 1990 and look at it now. I have never seen an area's vitality disappear so fast. If the area is not distressed then NOTHING is. This place is the POSTER CHILD for economically distressed.
